functions based on


Planning: The objectives of nursing unit should be achieved through planning, good coordination and supervision. While planning nursing unit one should identify the opportunities and threat that can be in future and to take  action accordingly. Consultation with the staff should be carried out to meet the goals. 

Organizing: The head nurse is in charge of a small individual unit. She is responsible  for planning, delegating, supervising  and coordinating patient  care. Effective management requires a high degree of  team work hence it needs a thorough understanding  of each other's role and the line of  authority to avoid any  clashes. 

Reporting: Reporting at each level is essential so as to give information regarding the functioning of the nursing unit. The clinical records of patient are both scientific and legal. Hence they should be accurate, complete, and legible.  

Directing:  Nursing unit of  the ward is responsible for giving strategic direction to a ward and should have over all perspective of  the resources, constraints, objectives and plans of  the hospital. Each group of  activity with the same objectives must have one head and one plan. Supervision of subordinate  and issuing directives should be carried out in orders to accomplish  the activities and to provide high quality of patient care. 

Staffing: Determine the various categories of staff pattern required in  the nursing unit. Selection of  staff and assignment made to these personnel the staff needs to be motivated to give their best at all time even in stressful conditions. Nursing unit should enhance the efficiency of nursing staff in the wards rather than making them fatigued.  

Coordination: Inter departmental coordination is very important to meet the goals of nursing unit. This results  in achieving desired objectives, perfect  ' coordination,  with optimum utilization  of resources with minimum wasted effort. In addition to ward resources of  the nursing unit. Interpersonal relationship  plays a major role in consideration as this helps in achieving its objectives only if its parts are coordinated  into comprehensive whole. 

Controlling: The control should be appropriate with the activity, flexible, economical,  and understandable  and follow the unit objectives. Periodic assessment of  the staff both in quantities and qualitative to the extent of achievement should be against the predetermined standards of  the nursing unit. Nursing unit should be so designed that it can operate at minimum cost at the same time also achieve the functional goal of  the wards. Provision for financial resources for procuring material /supplies and for maintenance should be made available  in the nursing unit.  

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Biology: functions based on
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