For this assignment you need to find three different sample

Define Technical Communication and Evaluate a Sample

For this assignment, you need to find three different sample documents and determine whether or not they are examples of technical communication using Markel's Six Characteristics of Technical Communication. Use these criteria to define whether or not each document can be considered a technical document. Then, develop a matrix that lists the 8 Measures of Excellence (Honesty, Accuracy, Clarity, Comprehensiveness, Accessibility, Conciseness, Professional Appearance, and Correctness) and use your matrix to evaluate how successful each document is. To evaluate the documents using Markel's 8 Measures of Excellence, you may find it helpful to set up a matrix based on a Likert Scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 with the higher the number representing the higher the success. Another type of Likert Scale ranges from Strongly Agree down to Strongly Disagree. Using numbers, for example, your Likert Scale might look something like this:

The document is an honest representation of the product or service:


Information in the document is is appropriate to the audience and the writing style is clear.


Etc. ....

Evaluate each document according to all 8 measure and then write a summary of your findings. Post your findings and summary on this forum by Creating a New Thread with your name.

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Other Subject: For this assignment you need to find three different sample
Reference No:- TGS01254836

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