Finding-eigenvalue and eigenvector of matrix


Eigenvalue and eigenvector of matrix

1. Find all the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix A = [ 3  1 ] from example.
                                                                                                                         [ 1  3 ]

2. Show that V is an eigenvector of A and find the corresponding eigenvalue.

             A = [ 1  2] , V = [  3]
                   [ 2   1]        [ -3]

             A = [ 4 -2] , V = [ 4]
                    [5 -7]          [ 2]    

3. Show that λ is an eigenvalue of A and find one eigenvector corresponding to this eigenvalue.

                           A = [ 2   2] ,λ = -2
                                 [ 2  -1]

                           A = [ 0  4] ,λ = 2
                                 [-1  5]

4. Find all the eigenvalues of the matrix A. Give bases for each of the correspondingeigenspaces. Illustrate the eigenvalue and the effect of multiplying eigenvectors by A.

                      A = [ 2  4]
                            [ 6  0]

                       A = [ 1  2]
                             [-2  3]

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Algebra: Finding-eigenvalue and eigenvector of matrix
Reference No:- TGS01930853

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