Find the work from which the quote comes and the works

Now at that moment each of them had been balanced to cut her orange. So huge was their confusion now that they could no longer differentiate fruit from fingers; and all of them cut their hands. It was then that they understand that XXX was nothing less than a perfect jewel of beauty. "This is no mere mortal!" they cried. "He is not moulded, like Adam, from earth and water: he is a holy angel, come down from the heavens."

"This," cried YYY, "is the unique being thanks to whom I have become the target for your censure. This is the tender body which has cost me your condemnation; and yet, despite all my sweet entreaties to be united with him body and soul, he has never fulfilled my life-long hope and yielded to my desires. "But now, if he still persists in spurning my advances, I shall have him imprisoned; and he can spend his life in a cell, in torment and humiliation. Prison will soften his obstinate character, and bring some good-natured warmth into his heart. That is the only way to tame a wild bird: coop it up in a cage."

Find the work from which the quote comes, and the work's author, and estimated date it was written. If appropriate, find the speaker/character. Describe the significance of the quote (ie. its message, symbols and/or role in the overall narrative plot) and how it relates to the literary work (or that genre of literary works) as a whole.

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English: Find the work from which the quote comes and the works
Reference No:- TGS0912003

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