Find the amount of heat energy needed to convert 150 grams

Find the amount of heat energy needed to convert 150 grams of ice at -15°C to ice at -63°C.

14760 Joules because the ice is cooling.

(-) 14760 Joules because the ice is cooling.

14760 Joules because the ice is being heated.

(-) 14760 Joules because the ice is being heated.

Find the amount of heat energy needed to convert 400 grams of ice at -38°C to steam at 160°C.

  • 331056 Joules
  • 1284440 Joules
  • 246840 Joules
  • 159984 Joules

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Chemistry: Find the amount of heat energy needed to convert 150 grams
Reference No:- TGS02790609

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