Find a set of generators for the row space of a and find

1. For the matrices

670_Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.png

(a) find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
(b) determine a matrix P so that P-1 AP = B

2. For the following matrix

851_Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors1.png

(a) find the eigenvalues
(b) for each eigenvalue determine the eigenvector(s)
(c) determine a matrix P so that B = P-1 AP is in triangular form, and verify that the determinant of B agrees with what you used in (a)

3. For the following matrix

1783_Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors2.png

(a) determine the row-rank

(b) find a set of generators for the row space of A

(c) show that any element of the row space of A can be written as a linear combination of your generators.

4. For the following matrix

614_Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors3.png

(a) find the eigenvalues

(b) find the eigenvectors corresponding to these eigenvalues

(c) starting with the eigenvectors you found in (a) construct a set of orthonormal vectors (use the Gram-Schmidt procedure).

5. Check whether the set of ordered triples f(2, 0, 2), ( 1, 2, 1), (1, 1, 1)g forms a basis for R3. If so, starting with this basis use the Gram-
Schmidt procedure to construct an orthonormal basis for R3.

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Mathematics: Find a set of generators for the row space of a and find
Reference No:- TGS0617209

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