Explaining the usage of callout table in unix

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) What do you mean by callout table? What is its usage?

Question 2) What is inode reference count? What do you mean by inode reference count= 0 and inode reference count > 0?

Question 3) Define context of a process.

Question 4) Which system calls can be used in following situations? Give and explain its syntax.

a) When a user wants to change a current directory of a process.

b) If a user wants to simulate the usual file system hierarchy and run processes there.

Question 5) What is signal? What do you mean by following? Signal (SIGINT, sigcatcher).

Question 6) Explain the cases in which a process can incur protection fault.

Question 7) Write down the functions of line discipline.

Question 8) Justify. A buffer cannot be on both hash queue and on free list at the same time.

Question 9) State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer

a) A process can unlink a file while another process has the file open.

b) A successful exec system call never returns.

c) A disk block may belong to more than one inode or to the list of free blocks and an inode.

d) Text and data of a process occupy same region of a process.

e) A process sleeping and waiting for completion of disk I/O has a higher priority than a process waiting for a free buffer.

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Operating System: Explaining the usage of callout table in unix
Reference No:- TGS05294

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