Explain the stakeholders and their positions


Topic is on Human Trafficking.

Pre-Write: Who are your stakeholders? Identify at least four specific stakeholders or stakeholder groups. What are their values? Why do they think this issue is important? What do they have to gain or lose? What is their goal regarding your topic? How are their positions similar or different from one another? Look at this topic from their various perspectives and examine what these voices have to say.

Write: Write an essay where you carefully and thoughtfully analyze this topic through the viewpoints of the stakeholders involved.

A. Introduction: In your introduction you should give a thorough overview of the topic. Give background information, history, and context to the issue. Identify the main points of conflict or debate. Finally, identify the stakeholders you will discuss in the body paragraphs. Your thesis statement should include both the topic and the stakeholders you will include. Example: "An analysis of animal extinction must consider the interests and perspectives of environmental activists, policymakers, corporations, indigenous communities, and the general public, to develop effective strategies for conserving endangered species and their habitats."

B. Body: Explain the stakeholders and their positions. Devote at least one paragraph to each stakeholder's position. Explain who they are, what they have at stake, and why the topic is significant to them.

C. Body: Analyze the stakeholders. How are the stakeholders' positions similar and different? What are the connections between the stakeholders? Why are they similar and different? What makes this topic so complex?

D. Conclusion: Add your voice to the conversation. Synthesize the information you present in your body paragraphs. In your assessment, what is the future of this topic?

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