Explain-the numerical method euler and runge kutta

Numerical solutions Euler & Runge Kutta

Response to the following :

Need to solve and compare the results of the linear vs non linear pendulum problem. Compare the solutions for the approximation (linear) and numerical(non-linear) using the numerical method runge kutta of 4th DEGREE OR HIGHER(preferrably 4th-6th order).

Please include the below details:

1. Detailed explanation of methods used (Euler and runge kutta)

2. Matlab code for both methods and detailed explanation of different variables in code

3. Comparison of methods at different time steps (weaknesses and strengths of both methods)

3. similarities/differences of methods

4. Plots with detailed explanations

5. Videos of pendulum(simulation)-optional if able


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Engineering Mathematics: Explain-the numerical method euler and runge kutta
Reference No:- TGS01941661

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