Explain how christianity views the exodus as symbolic


Write three paragraphs or more in response to one of the following questions. Be sure to indicate which essay you are answering (e.g. "Long Essay 1").

A. Explain how Christianity understands the death and resurrection of Jesus to be at the heart of the Gospel message. Identify and explain important elements from the Gospels about these events. Identify and explain important elements of the Old Testament which are related to these events.

B. Explain the importance of the Exodus event in Jewish history. Explain how Christianity views the Exodus as symbolic for the liberation which Jesus can bring to all human beings.

C. Explain how the teachings and miracles of Jesus together give clarity about the nature of His ministry. Explain why the Church's understanding that Jesus is both fully God and fully man makes His life, death, and resurrection unique.

D. Explain how Christianity sees continuity in God's act of creation, covenant with the Jewish people, Incarnation, and establishment of the Church.

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