Evaluate the expression using the values given for the

Follow order of operations to simplify the following expression:

1) 26 - 10/(-2)2 - 7

Evaluate the expression using the values given for the variables.

2) q(q2 + p) - q; use p = 8, and q = -4

Simplify the expression.

3) -2(-10 - x) - 3(8x - 7)

Simplify the expression and write your answer as a fraction in lowest terms.

4) 3/2 + 3/4 + (- 9/5)

Use a proportion to set up and solve the following problem. Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary.

5) A 7.5 ft tall cardboard box standing next to a flagpole casts a 28.5 ft shadow. If the flagpole is 15.2 ft tall, then how long is its shadow?

Set up and solve an equation to answer the question below. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.

6) What percent of 46 is 5?

Find the percentage change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary and state whether the change is an increase or a decrease.

7) From 38 grams to 61 grams

Find the final price of the item below, given that the tax will be applied to the discounted price.

8) Original price of a purse: $49.99

Discount: 40%
Tax: 6%

Use simple interest to find the ending balance, given the following values for principal, rate, and time.

9) $55,000 at 14.2% for 5 years

Solve the equation given in #10.

10) 5n + 2 = -38

Sove the equation given in #11.

11) 6(1 - 7m) - (3 - 7m) = -67

Solve the equation given in #12.

12) 25/36 = -15/4n + 5/3 n

Solve the equation given in #13.

13) -4.3n + 0.8 = 7.6 - 0.3n

Solve the inequality in #14, write its solution set in interval notation, and graph the solution set on a number line.

14) -1 + 2x ≤ 37

Solve the inequality in #15, write its solution set in interval notation, and graph the solution set on a number line.

15) -2(3 + 3r) -3 ≥ -3(r + 1)

Find the slope of the line. Assume that the scale on each axis is 1 unit per tick mark.


2404_Find the slope of the line.jpg

Find the x- and y-intercepts of the line represented by the equation below. Plot both intercepts on a coordinate system and drawn the line through them.

17) x - 3y = -12

Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line through the given points.

18) through: (5, 4) and (3, 3)

Find at least three ordered pairs that satisfy the equation and sketch the graph of the line through them.

19) 6 y = 12 + 10x

Solve the system of equations by the method of substitution.

20) y = -2x

-7x - 8 y = -18

Write the point-slope form of the equation of the line described.

21) through: (-3, -1), parallel to y = - 4/3x + 1

Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line described.

22) through: (-2, 3), perpendicular to y = 2/7x + 5

Solve the system by graphing both lines on one coordinate system.

23) x - y = -4
4x + y = -1

Solve the system of equations by the method of elimination.

24) 10x - 8 y = 4
9x - 16 y = 30

25) Julio and Lisa are selling pies for a school fundraiser. Customers can buy cherry pies and lemon meringue pies. Julio sold 5 cherry pies and 7 lemon meringue pies for a total of $179. Lisa sold 3 cherry pies and 14 lemon meringue pies for a total of $274. What is the cost each of one cherry pie and one lemon meringue pie?

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Algebra: Evaluate the expression using the values given for the
Reference No:- TGS01302617

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