Ethical solutions with different ethical approaches

Problem: Ethical solutions with different ethical approaches

Topic-Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

Moreover, The Dove brand was introduced to the market in 1957 as a cleansing bar soap. The soap is generally non-irritating and contains moisturising ingredients. Unilever improved the soap into a beauty bar in 1970, making it gentler and promising ladies moisturising skin, increasing the appeal of soap. Until 1996, the brand was distributed in over 80 countries. Dove sought to change the way beauty is perceived by emphasizing the beauty of each woman and challenging the stereotypical beauty of young, tall, and blond. The campaign, developed by Ogilvy and Mather, featured women whose appearances were outside of the stereotypical norms of beauty, including women recruited off the streets, between the ages of 22 and 96, and ranging across a variety of sizes (from 6 to 12). The images were not airbrushed in any way, and the advertisements were placed on billboards and bus stops throughout major urban markets. The campaign faced criticisms for exploiting women's insecurities for profit and for not going far enough in addressing the beauty industry's harmful messages.

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