Ethical and legal issues with dsm-v


Ethical and Legal Issues with DSM-V

This course was designed to assist you in developing an understanding of psychopathology while enhancing your diagnostic skills in addressing client mental health problems. As a future professional in the field, you may encounter a range of issues from confidentiality and rights of minors to client suicide and clients who pose a danger to others. Although developing a core set of successful strategies is important in working with clients, understanding legal and ethical codes practiced by psychologists in accordance with the DSM-5 is also critical in the development of such strategies. By understanding legal and ethical issues, you may minimize personal and professional liability for yourself, regardless of your future role in the field.

With the much anticipated publication of the DSM-5, consider specific legal and ethical responsibilities related to the DSM-5. Additionally, consider proposed changes and why the process of changing the DSM-IV-TR is controversial.

With these thoughts in mind:

an explanation of one ethical and one legal responsibility related to the release of the DSM-5. Then, explain at least one anticipated change in the DSM-IV-TR. Finally, explain why the revision of the DSM-IV-TR is controversial. Justify your response using the current literature and Learning Resources

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced

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Other Subject: Ethical and legal issues with dsm-v
Reference No:- TGS01906882

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