essentials of development

Essentials of Development Administration 

Development administration, to be effective and efficient, needs to have the following ingredients: 

Administrative Innovation: Reorganisation of administrative structures and procedures is essential to weed out impediments though innovation. Administrative innovation is the  sine quo  non for development administration. Susanne MacGregor in an article, 'Urban Innovations: The London Experience', rightly mentions the need and 'Life Cycle' of innovation to improve services. A 'Life Cycle' of Innovations involves: 

i) Conception 

ii) Adoption 

iii) Early trial and error 

iv) Mature implementation and routinisation 

v) Dominance, and

vi) Replacement by Newer forms  

People's Participation:

It is essential to make use of the potential energy of the people through their involvement. T.K. Moulik opines that participation in development process implies stimulating individuals to take initiative and mobilising people to work for overall societal development. To quote ILO, "Participation involves collectively organised and continued efforts by the people themselves in setting goals, pooling resources together and taking actions which aim at improving their living conditions.” 

3) Definite Policies Programmes and Projects: Formulation of development goals and policies precisely reflecting the needs of the  people is essential. 

4) Monitoring: There is a need of monitoring and evaluation to locate problems and inject improvements for consistent growth and development.

5) Use of Modern Management Technique: Using modern management techniques for optimising personnel, financial and material resources is essential.

6) Achievement Orientation: The emphasis should be on achievement and not mere paper planning.

7) Commitment and Dedication: These are essential to development. Commitment and dedication too can provide extra power to development and are an insurance against possible fall-outs.


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Microeconomics: essentials of development
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