emergency room managementpatient may needs

Emergency Room Management

Patient may needs incubation and ventilatory support till such time that patient is able to breathe normally. In some cases: patient is administered muscle relaxants and put on complete artificial ventilation.

Repeated attack to status asthmaticus may cause irreversible emphysema, resulting in a permanent decrease in total breathing capacity.

PFT characteristics of Asthma-show reduction in FEVI to less than 25 per cent of predicted. FEV is markedly reduced in proportion to the FCV, although the FVC may be decreased. Improved flow rates after medication indicates reversible bronchospasm which is a characteristic finding with asthma. ABG may very from respiratory alkalosis with mild hypoxemia to severe respiratory acidosis, with profound hypoxemia depending on the severity and duration of attack.

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Biology: emergency room managementpatient may needs
Reference No:- TGS0176985

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