dynamic configuration int pvmaddhosts char hosts

Dynamic Configuration

  • int pvm_addhosts( char **hosts, int nhost, int *infos )

Add hosts to the virtual machine. hosts is an array of strings naming the hosts to be added. nhost states the length of array hosts. infos is an array of length nhost which returns the status for every host. Values less than zero shows an error, while positive values are TIDs of the new hosts.


  • int pvm_sendsig( int tid, int signum )

Sends a signal to one more PVM process. tid is task identifier of PVM process to receive the signal. The signum is the signal number.

  • int info = pvm_notify( int what, int msgtag, int cnt, int *tids )

Request notification of PVM event such as host failure. What states the type of event to trigger the notification. Some of them are:


Task killed or is exits.


Host is crashes or deleted.


New host is added.

msgtag is message tag to be used in notification. cnt For PvmTaskExit and PvmHostDelete, states the length of the tids array. For PvmHostAdd states the number of times to notify.

tids for PvmTaskExit and PvmHostDelete is an array of length cnt of task or pvmd TIDs to be notified about. The array is not used by the PvmHostAdd option.

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Computer Networking: dynamic configuration int pvmaddhosts char hosts
Reference No:- TGS0208182

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