during a recent rainy day 72 mm of rain was

During a recent rainy day, 72 mm of rain was recorded. Calculate how many litres of water will be collected from the roof and stored in the water tank. Remember

The volume V of water in the tank, initially full, remaining after (d) days is given by the equation:
V=10 000-235 d

(b) How much is left from a full tank after 30 days of no rain?

(c) From the equation, determine how many litres of water the tank holds when full.

(d) From the equation, determine how many litres of water the householders use per day

(e) When will the volume of the tank be reduced to 2500 litres?

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Algebra: during a recent rainy day 72 mm of rain was
Reference No:- TGS0179277

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