Draw free body diagram of columns and beams for section aa


Figure 1 shows the plan of a commercial multi story building. The beam, column and dimensions details are given in the excel file. It also mentions section AA along the external wall which has six columns and section 6-6 with ten columns. The span between the columns is shown in excel file. This assessment is divided into two tasks as mentioned below. Consider all beam dimensions as 300 X 600 mm and all column dimensions as 500 X 500 mm.

1913_Building plan.jpg

Figure 1: Building plan showing column positions and beam span of a multi-story building.

1. From the Figure (1) shown above consider at section AA draw free body diagram of columns and beams for section AA. Assume EI as constant throughout, and consider the dimensions and loads given in excel file attached. The beam and column connections are fixed. Using Moment Distribution Method calculate the following details

a. The amount of the moment at supports
b. The amount of the moment at mid-span
c. The amount of the deflection at mid-span
d. Draw bending moment diagrams.

2. From the Figure. 1 shown above consider at section 6-6 draw free body diagram of columnsand beams for section 6-6. Assume EI as constant throughout, and take a uniformlydistributed load and span as mentioned in excel file. The beam and column connections arefixed. Using double integration method or slope deflection method to calculate the following Details:

a. The amount of the moment at supports
b. The amount of the moment at mid-span
c. The amount of the deflection at mid-span
d. Draw bending moment diagrams.

Please keep in mind following things while writing your report:

I suggest you write report using MS Word and Equation editor for equations.

Report Format
- Follow specified spacing. Generally use 1.5 x line spacing unless advised.
- Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.
- Include your own field sketches or photographs. It is generally better to position figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.
- Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)
- Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.

Sections of the Report and assigned mark for each section

The Report should contain the following sections:
- Drawing free body diagram with given data
- Analysis for selected method
- Neat Bending moment diagram

Please do the task and find the given data in the Excel sheet, i want the report paraphrase.

Attachment:- CW project.xlsx

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Civil Engineering: Draw free body diagram of columns and beams for section aa
Reference No:- TGS01409604

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