Doppler principle of velocity determination

Question 1: State the Doppler principle of velocity determination.

Question 2: Draw the block diagram of the CW radar.

Question 3: Draw the block diagram of the FM CW radar.

Question 4: Describe the principle of working of FM CW radar. How will you modify it for utilizing as an altimeter?

Question 5: Why is multiple frequency CW radar used? Describe its principle of operation.

Question 6: With the help of block diagram describe the operation of the FM CW altimeter.

Question 7: Consider FM CW radar in which triangular shaped modulation is employed. Draw the waveforms for:

a) Transmitted signal.
b) Beat frequency signal.

When the target is approaching radar.

Question 8: How will you determine sign of radial velocity with the assist of CW radar?

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Electrical Engineering: Doppler principle of velocity determination
Reference No:- TGS07516

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