Do you find its presumption a useful analytical lens


Consider the following citation from Becker Denial of Death. Do you find its presumption a useful analytical lens? Why or why not? What, if anything, have we read/discussed this semester that you think challenges Becker's model?

"Man is out of nature and hopelessly in it; he is dual, up in the stars and yet housed in a heart-pumping, breath-gasping body that once belonged to a fish and still carries the gill-marks to prove it. His body is a material fleshy casing that is alien to him in many ways-the strangest and most repugnant way being that it aches and bleeds and will decay and die. Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever."

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