Discuss what you discovered about contingency


(1) Interview someone you know who is in a management role. This can be at your current place of employment or someone that you know personally who works in a managerial role.

Prepare a 700-word discussion of the interview including the following:

• Discuss what you discovered about contingency planning.
• Discuss how creativity and critical thinking relate to contingency planning.
• Explain how you might integrate creativity into your own planning process.
• Discuss what you learned about creativity and its relationship to the decision-making process.
• Identify the key steps that might require a contingency plan.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

(2) Prepare a 700-word discussion of the business situation. The discussion should include the following:

• Identify the problem discussed in the article. (Heathfield, S. M. (2015). Downsizing Survivors: Motivating the employees who remain after layoffs. Retrieved from about money : https://humanresources.about.com/od/layoffsdownsizing/a/downsizing2.htm)

Planning Process Interview Questions

• How do you use the decision-making in your role as a manager?

• What role does contingency planning play in your role as a manager? How do you apply critical thinking to contingency planning?

• What roadblocks do you encounter when trying to apply creativity to your decision-making process?

• Are any business settings more in need of contingency planning than others? If so, why might they require contingency planning?

• What parts of planning are most likely to require a back-up play? Why?

• What additional information do you think a future manager should know about decision-making, contingency planning, and critical thinking?

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Management Theories: Discuss what you discovered about contingency
Reference No:- TGS01679334

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