Discuss the requirements of an emergency action plan in

1. The OSHA standards indicate that compliance with NFPA 101-2009 will be deemed in compliance with 1910.34, 1910.36, and 1910.37. Do a bit of research on NFPA 101, and discuss if you think it is appropriate for OSHA to rely on this standard. (Note: You do not need to access the full text of NFPA 101 in order to answer this question).

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

2. Discuss the requirements of an Emergency Action Plan in relation to a workplace you are familiar with. Based on your observations, do you believe the training requirements in the standard are adequate? What do you think a large manufacturing plant should do to train employees about its plan?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

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Business Management: Discuss the requirements of an emergency action plan in
Reference No:- TGS01571967

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