Discuss the data collection procedures that will be used

Psychology Discussion Post

For this discussion, complete the following:


• "Phenomenological Research."
• "Grounded Theory Research."
• "Ethnographic Research."
• "Case Study Research."
• "Generic Qualitative Inquiry."

1. Select one of the three methodological approaches
2. Choose and describe the sampling strategy that will be used in your proposed qualitative study.
3. Provide a rationale for your sampling strategy.
4. Identify and justify the sample size that you will use.
5. Discuss the data collection procedures that will be used in your proposed study.
6. Develop 10 open-ended questions to be used in a qualitative interview for your proposed study.

Article: "The Role of Self-Esteem in Suicides Among Young Men" by Mette Lyberg Rasmussen, Kari Dyregrov, Hanne Haavind, Antoon A. Leenaars and Gudrun Dieserud.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Discuss the data collection procedures that will be used
Reference No:- TGS03043615

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