Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of designing a


1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of designing a general sorting function as a hybrid between quicksort and Shell sort. What criteria would you use to switch from one to the other? Which would be the better choice for what kinds of lists?

2. Summarize the results of the test runs of the sorting methods of this chapter for your computer. Also include any variations of the methods that you have written as exercises. Make charts comparing the following:

(a) the number of key comparisons.

(b) the number of assignments of entries.

(c) the total running time.

(d) the working storage requirements of the program.

(e) the length of the program.

(f) the amount of programming time required to write and debug the program.

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Computer Engineering: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of designing a
Reference No:- TGS02643167

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