Discuss smart goal for transition role of registered nurse

Assignment task:

1. Professional introduction including goal for transition to the role of Registered Nurse

  • Description of professional skills & attributes
  • A SMART goal for the transition to the role of Registered Nurse

2. An annotated bibliography of three (3) research articles related to  PEP preparation ( PEP in mental health

  • Referencing for the article is not included in the word count
  • Please ensure you clearly identify which PEP area you have used the research to prepare for

3. First Nations People exploratory response

a. Discuss how you, as a novice Registered Nurse, might support First Nations Peoples as health consumers in relation to one of the identified target areas from the 2022 Closing the Gap Report

b. Explore and evaluate one primary health initiative aimed at reducing the disparity of health care for First Nations Peoples

c. Critically discuss how First Nations People's voices are heard in contemporary health care research and literature

d. Critically reflect on your journey of understanding, attitudes and knowledge of First Nations Peoples health

e. Indigenous Australians represented 3.2% of the county's total population yet account for more than 30% of incarcerated persons. Identify and discuss either individual or community health outcomes in relation to this over representation

f. First person expression is required for students completing options 1 or 4 of the above list

g. Responses should be supported by evidence

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Reference No:- TGS03380275

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