Discuss employment that is different from arma rules

Assignment Task:

Please address this question: "Why are filing systems important?" Please research what type of filing system is used in your chosen career field. In your response, feel free to share personal or professional experiences. You can also use examples from our textbook and outside resources to determine what type of filing system you will use. If you cannot find the information online, walk in or call a professional office or organization you are interested in. Ask questions of the office professionals about their filing system.

Additionally, be prepared to talk about some of the following topics:

1. Why are there so many rules when it comes to filing, and why do we need these rules?

2. Perhaps you have a filing system at your place of employment that is different from ARMA's rules.

3. While chapter 11 addresses physical records, similar filing rules apply to electronic records. Feel free to discuss both types of records management systems.

4. What are the challenges we face when it comes to records management?

5. Are there some ARMA rules that you think are outdated and unnecessary?

6. Based on your research, will you use the ARMA rules in your future career?


  • Please post a paragraphs. Be sure to organize your writing into paragraph form. One large chunk of text is difficult for the reader to navigate.
  • Please include links to your information when appropriate.

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Other Subject: Discuss employment that is different from arma rules
Reference No:- TGS03369153

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