Discuss company to contribute to their favorite charities

Assignment task:

Hide Folder Information Instructions You work at Brown Investment Services in Houston. You have many clients, and sometimes they ask your company to contribute to their favorite charities. You have honored many of these requests. You recently received a letter from Olivia Angeles asking for a substantial contribution to her organization, National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association. On visits to your office, she has told you about its programs to recruit, train, and support volunteers in their work with abused children. As the director of the Houston chapter of CASA, she herself is a CASA volunteer, helping neglected children find safe, permanent homes. She told you that children with CASA volunteers are more likely to be adopted and are less likely to reenter the child welfare system. You have a soft spot for children and especially for those who are mistreated or disadvantaged. You sincerely want to support CASA and its good work, but times are tough, and you can't be as generous as you have been in the past. Her letter asked that you become a key contributor with a pledge of $1,000.


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Other Subject: Discuss company to contribute to their favorite charities
Reference No:- TGS03403049

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