Develop and test a python program to track student marks in

Design, develop and test a python program to track student marks in the various assignments in a given unit of study. The time allocated for this project.

The functional requirements of the system are:

a) The system should be able to manage the marks for two types of internal assessments: discussion forums and a final project.

b) A unit has one final exam.

c) The distribution of the marks for each type of assessment is same as in your unit outline:

d) The system should be able to store and retrieve the marks obtained in each assessment for each student in a specified unit.

e) The system should produce a report to identify those students whose marks are below the average in each type of assessment

f) The system produce a bar chart indicating the total marks awarded to each student at the end of the semester. Total marks are equal to DF Report marks plus the marks for the project plus the final examination marks.

g) The system should be able to produce a report of those students whose marks are below the class average

Non-functional requirements of the system are

a) The system should be user friendly, intuitive to use and driven by a menu. The system should have a text based menu driven end-user interface. The menu should have options for: data entry of marks for each student and reporting of marks of all students or a specific student as indicated in functional requirements (e) and (g) above.

b) The reports generated by the python program should be neatly formatted.


Project File Details

You should submit a single python file with .py extension, representing the project code by Monday of Week 10 before 7 PM Sydney time. If you have used more than one .py files for your project send it as a zipped file. Your file name should be as follows:

DO NOT send MsWord files or any other types of files. Your python code should be fully formatted with comments, functional and easy to read and use. Marks for this assessment will be based on the answers to viva questions.

Project Viva Details

Viva will be for 5 minutes. You will answer questions related to sections of the submitted code in English.

Assessment: Project code and Viva

You will submit a functional python solution to a project problem and answer oral questions related to the project.

Weighting: 50%. In order to reward marks for authenticity of the project work, the marks for code will be based on the viva marks. You will submit your code and the tutor will ask you questions based on the code.

Length and/or format: Code: Format is python code, fully formatted with comments, functional and easy to use. Viva: 5 minutes. You will answer questions related to sections of the code in plain English, not python A list of potential viva questions will be issued on LEO.

Purpose: Write simple applications that relate to a specific domain

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Python Programming: Develop and test a python program to track student marks in
Reference No:- TGS02277559

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