Determine what information is or is not pertinent -

Read Globalization Argumentative paper. Read Critical Thinking, the Long Version- complete a peer review and provide feedback.

Critical Thinking, the Long Version

In the text, we give a couple of brief characterizations of critical thinking, and as shorthand they will serve well enough. But the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Project of the Council for Aid to Education has come up with a list of skills that covers almost everything your authors believe is important in critical thinking. If you achieve mastery over all these or even a significant majority of them, you'll be well ahead of most of your peers-and your fellow citizens. In question form, here is what the council came up with:

How well does the student

• determine what information is or is not pertinent;
• distinguish between rational claims and emotional ones;
• separate fact from opinion;
• recognize the ways in which evidence might be limited or compromised;
• spot deception and holes in the arguments of others;
• present his/her own analysis of the data or information;
• recognize logical flaws in arguments;
• draw connections between discrete sources of data and information;
• attend to contradictory, inadequate, or ambiguous information;
• construct cogent arguments rooted in data rather than opinion;
• select the strongest set of supporting data;
• avoid overstated conclusions;
• identify holes in the evidence and suggest additional information to collect;
• recognize that a problem may have no clear answer or single solution;
• propose other options and weigh them in the decision;
• consider all stakeholders or affected parties in suggesting a course of action;
• articulate the argument and the context for that argument;
• correctly and precisely use evidence to defend the argument;
• logically and cohesively organize the argument;
• avoid extraneous elements in an argument's development;
• Present evidence in an order that contributes to a persuasive argument?

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Business Management: Determine what information is or is not pertinent -
Reference No:- TGS0905996

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