Determine hexadecimal-octal and binary representations

i) Use Fermat's Little Theorem to find 3502 (mod 503), 3503 (mod 503) and 3505 (mod 503).

ii) Write all congruence classes for congruence mod 6, providing most usual and one other name for each.

iii) Determine 242 (mod 15).

iv) Let S be set of all people in world. For a, b E S, state the binary relation R as follows: ( a, b ) E E if and only if a and b have visited same webpage. Is this example of the partially ordered set? Explain why or why not?

iv) Determine binary, octal and hexadecimal representations for 2705.

v) Determine q and r as defined in Division Algorithm when a = 549 and b = 236

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Mathematics: Determine hexadecimal-octal and binary representations
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