Designing color codes for different parts

Complete the following mcq:

1. You have the assignment of designing color codes for different parts. Three colors are to be used on each part, but a combination of three colors used for one part cannot he rearranged and used to identify a different part. This means that if green, yellow and violet were used to identify a camshaft, yellow, violet and green (or any other combination of these three colors) could not be used to identify a pinion gear. If there are 35 combinations, how many colors were available?

A) 5
B) 7
C) 9
D) 11

2. Six basic colors are to be used in decorating a new condominium. They are to be applied to a unit in groups of four colors. One unit might have gold as the principal color, blue as a complementary color, red as the accent color and touches of white. Another unit might have blue as the principal color, white as the complimentary color, gold as the accent color and touches of red. If repetitions are permitted, how many different units can be decorated?

A) 7,825
B) 25
C) 125
D) 1,296

3. A rug manufacturer has deckled to ujavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$lnkBtnDownloadOutput','')se 7 compatible colors in her rugs. However, in weaving a mg, only 5 spindles can be used. In advertising. the rug manufacturer wants to indicate the number of diffbrent color groupings for sale. How many color groupings using the seven colors taken five at a time are there? (This assumes that 5 different colors will go into each rug, it., there are no repetitions of color.)

A) 120
B) 2,520
C) 6,740
D) 36

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