Describe the difference between real science pseudoscience

Part I: The Nature of Science

We trust the methodology of "Science" to provide us with facts that will enhance our lives and our understanding of the world around us. But, is science always right?False Assumptions in Science:

Mike Adams is the editor of The Health Ranger. Adams has lost many family members to cancer and believes we need to reconstruct how we view science in order to heal patients or prevent disease. He proposes that we are leaving out many possibilities when it comes to "cause and effect".

Article - The 10 false assumptions of modern science (and how to set science free with new paths to discovery) by Mike Adams

(1) visit the article (above) Select two of the Health Ranger's "Ten false assumptions in science". Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Why or why not?

(2) Visit the following Article:

Article Forbes - The Toxic 'Chemical Hypocrisy' Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman by Kavin Senapathy

- What are the tactics used by the "Food Babe", Joseph Mercola and Mark Hyman to buy their products?
- Ironically, what been found in each of the products they sell?
- In your opinion, do they practice good science? Why or why not?

Part II: The Truth in Science Changes with time

1. Miasma Theory

Visit the websites to assist you in answering the questions below:

a) The popular children's song "ring around the rosie" refers to what practice (used to prevent transmission of disease)

b) According to the above article: Some measure of scientific progress is made by disproving an existing theory, but substantially more progress can be made by doing what?

c) Provide at least two reasons why the miasma theory was believable to those in the early 14th century

d) What theory replaced the Miasma theory? Using the Miasma example, describe how the truth in science changed over time.

e) Locate a website (article or other reference) illustrating another example where the truth in science changed over time. Provide your link here:_____________Briefly describe the outcome of this "change in belief"

2.Diseases that threaten us worldwide

Should more have been done to prepare for cholera outbreak in Hati?
A. What organism causes cholera?
B. What are the symptoms of cholera?
C. Describe the mode of transmission and how this related to sanitary conditions -How is cholera spread?
D. What might you do to educate citizens?
E. Describe two other diseases (besides cholera) that could pose a threat worldwide. What is their mode of transmission and how can we, as a society, protect our citizens?

Part III: How can we recognize TRUE science?

1. Fooling ourselves with science: hoaxes, retractions and the public "As consumers of science we should always beware the latest and greatest study with new results."

A. What was the hoax that John Bohannon created?
B. What did the Bohannon hoax and LaCour/Green retraction have in common?
C. Why does the author feel we can set ourselves up to be fooled by science? Explain why you agree or disagree.

2. Vaccines - Fear and skepticism:

a. What effect did the MMR vaccine study have on the public?
b. What are your thoughts on vaccines?

3. Science, pseudoscience and Quackery

Answering the following four questions utilizing your study guide, power point #1 and chapter one of your textbook

a) Describe the difference between real science, pseudoscience and Quackery.

b) Search the internet for a website that is illustrating pseudo-science or Quackery. Post your website here:_________. Describe how you feel the public can be misled by this site.

c) How do you trust internet sites for credibility and unbiased reporting? What are some warning signs that internet sites should NOT be trusted?

d) What might politics have to do with the funding of experimental research? How do you feel this might affect the development of a hypothesis and bias?

4. Has the Peer Review process in science been working?

a) The infamous Seralini study (November, 2012) claimed what?
b) According to the article, anyone referencing the Seralinistudy as support for their position that GMO has health risks sacrifices what?
c) According to the author, what does this study suffer from?
d) Do you feel animal right activists would support this study? Why or why not?

Part IV: Using Science to Live long, happy healthy lives?

1. Searching for the truth in nutrition:

A. What scandal did Cohen uncover?
B. What happened in 1994 that changed the way supplements were regulated?(3 points)

2. Who's at fault? Who's to blame for the products we purchase off the shelves at our local markets?
a. According to the article, what four companies were involved in selling store brand supplements that didn't contain the labeled substance or contained ingredients that weren't listed on the label?
b. What percentage of Walmart products were cited as actually having DNA from the herb listed on the label?
c. What are some of the contaminants found in these products?
d. What are some of the possible risks of contaminants in supplements?

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Biology: Describe the difference between real science pseudoscience
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