Describe the concept of interaural time difference

Q1. Describe the concept of interaural time difference and its importance.

Q2. How do the medial superior olive structures help in sound localization?

Q3. What is the interaural level difference?

Q4. What happens to sound information traveling to the ears after only a single synapse in the cochlear nucleus?

Q5. Why is the cone of confusion confusing?

Q6. Provide one reason why cones of confusion are not major practical problems for the auditory system.

Q7. What does the directional transfer function describe?

Q8. What does the inverse-square law state?

Q9. How do the relative amounts of direct versus reverberant energy provide a cue for auditory distance?

Q10. What is a fundamental frequency?

Q11. Describe the phenomenon of the "missing fundamental."

Q12. What is timbre?

Q13. What is the difference between the attack and the decay of a sound?

Q14. How does source segregation help us to distinguish various sounds in our environment?

Q15. Describe the idea of auditory stream segregation.

Q16. What happens when a sequence of notes that have increasing and decreasing frequencies is presented and tones deviate from the rising/falling pattern?

Q17. How is "hearing through" an interruption consistent with the Gestalt principle of good continuation?

Q18. Explain the idea of restoration of complex sounds.

Q19. What is the acoustic startle reflex?

Q20. What is inattentional deafness?

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Reference No:- TGS03363451

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