Describe particular issue/ topic of human rights violation

Assignment task: An overview of human Rights treaties

In this assignment you will learn the first step of articulating a cohesive defense of a human rights issue. The purpose of this assignment is three folds: (1) to develop an interest in one of the several issues of human rights (2) to get familiar with the international human rights declarations and treaties in this particular issue (3) to outline a defense with a strong language in accordance with the international human rights law.

Follow these steps:

1. Decide on a particular issue/ topic of human rights violation. Be specific, for example, the topic shouldn't be torture but a case or a type of torture and not indigenous people, but for example, indigenous people access to education, or missing women.

2. Write a brief introduction of 3-5 lines that explain/ define the violation case.

3. Find whether there is any article in the UDHR regarding this issue. Include the related article.

4. Find another 3 or more human rights treaties, conventions and declarations, including ILO instruments as related to your topic. Include the full name of the document and any relevant dates when the treaty was issued and entered enforcement.

Under the title of each document, write 2 or more articles that are most related to the violation/ topic you are exploring. For only one document. select one countries of interest (suggestion- the country where the violation took place. Canada. USA. or your home country) that has ratified. or made a comment (a Reservations. Declarations. Objections and Derogations). List the comment and explain it briefly

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Reference No:- TGS03301823

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