Describe any and all torts you observe


During class on Wednesday, while showing a movie, Professor saw smoke and smelled odor of marijuana from the back of the class. When she turned the lights on, she could not tell who had been smoking, and no one confessed to smoking it. She told the class that no one could leave until the perpetrator was identified. Professor locked the doors. Four hours went by, and when still nobody confessed, the students began to get anxious. Tyler grabbed Professor by the arms and shook her, shouting "I'm not staying in here any longer!" Joseph helped him kick down the door and the entire class followed them out. While leaving, Ron grabbed a piece of the door and threw it at Professor, who ducked out of the way. The piece of the door instead hit Diana, injuring her leg. Describe any and all torts you observe, and identify who can sue whom and why.

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Reference No:- TGS03313093

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