Define the concept of publics and identify publics of cnc

Assignment task:

CNC, a mobile phone service provider, has a huge client base in South Africa and dominates the mobile phone industry in the country and is fast becoming a global competitor in the mobile phone industry. CNC has recently received widespread criticism over an increase on their mobile phone data bundle package which went from R99 for 1 gigabyte (GB) data bundle to R159 for the same amount of data bundles. The increase presents a serious challenge that could result in thousands of consumers looking for other, cheaper service providers and CNC losing millions of rands in the process. You are the public relations practitioner for CNC and have been tasked with managing the public relations implications as a result of the increase as well as ensuring customers of CNC's commitment of providing good quality mobile phone services.

Q1. Define the concept of publics (stakeholders) and identify the publics of CNC.

Q2. Explain and demonstrate how the two viewpoints of publics can be applied in communicating CNC's 1 GB price data bundle increase.

Q3. Apply the values-driven approach to this scenario and explain how CNC could strengthen its communication and relationship with its customers.

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Other Subject: Define the concept of publics and identify publics of cnc
Reference No:- TGS03363176

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