Define the concept of career

In this essay, you will define the concept of “Career” and write a definition essay to convince your readers to accept your particular understanding of it. Is “Career” simply a job a person does and earns a living or it is more complex than that? Will a person have his or her “Career” only when the job is full-time, with decent pay and public recognition? What are the determining factors for a person to have a “Career” in the public eye? It’s apparent that each person will have his or her own definition of this concept. For instance, some might consider not having a career until having their own business or climbing to a certain corporate ladder; some might contend applying the knowledge they’ve learned into their work signals the beginning of a career; some may also claim working on something they have passion in already qualifies for having a career even in the absence of monetary return; some would sacrifice themselves for a career at the expense of their own comfort to benefit others. After reading the articles written by people from three different professions, what thoughts and ideas did you generate to help you form YOUR definition of the term “Career”?

1. “Social Worker” by Elizabeth MacLean

2. “Journalist” by Brian McGrory

3. “Software Engineer” by Dzeudet Hadziosmanovic

4. Chapter 9 – Steps for Writers


Framework for a Definition Essay


* Describes the common knowledge and concept of “Career”
* Explains the limitations and popular misconceptions that need to be corrected
* Addresses some aspects of the topic seldom considered
* States your extended definition (thesis)


Paragraph 1

* Identifies three types of professions that fit into this concept
* Identifies two people who exemplify this concept, one from the readings and one

whom you know from your personal experience


Paragraph 2

* Explains what this concept is associated with (refer to PPI Chart)
* Describe the causes or effects of this concept


Paragraph 3

* Identifies one familiar definition of this term that you reject in favor of your own definition
* Supports your rejection with details


* Admits your definition also has its limitations
* Emphasizes the value and significance of your definition

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