Critical analysis of organisational behaviour

Four Topics:

1) Personality & Values

2) Motivation Concepts

3) Perception & Individual decision making

4) Communication

Explain each topic in 750 words with one example each of them.


Required to conduct and document a “Critical Analysis” of four of the topics covered in Organisational Behaviour.

The critical analysis requires:

• Presenting a brief review of the topic.
• Using research and analysis to discuss the strengths and weaknesses each topic to a manager in an organisation.
• Presenting four CURRENT examples of each OB topic being reported on in the media (e.g., press, business magazines or TV News programs).

The report must include:

• Table of contents.
• Introduction.
• Discussion of the four topics chosen.
• Presentation of examples of each from the media.
• Conclusion.

Harvard Referencing style:

You must use a minimum of 15 references:

• Text books: The prescribed text and at least 2 other text books.
• At least 3 different academic journal articles.
• Other sources of your choice: Blog, newspaper, magazine or other Internet source
• No more than 3 references may be general Internet based sources.
• Wikipedia is not to be used and does not count as an academic reference.

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Other Management: Critical analysis of organisational behaviour
Reference No:- TGS010692

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