Create a structured learning resource for mathematics and

Title - Creation of mathematics resource

Create a structured learning resource for mathematics and write a related essay of 750 words (1500 words equivalent)

The assessment involves two components, both of which must be satisfactorily completed:


1. Creating the structured resource: This includes creating the concept and developing the resource. You create a novel structured learning material for mathematics. You will provide photographs (inserted into a PowerPoint or Word Document if that is easier for you) to show what it looks like and how children would use it.


2. Relating to the curriculum, to the literature and to research: This includes writing 750 words in which you clarify the learning material's relationship to the learning needs of children. It includes the selection of materials (e.g., natural versus manufactured; the use and selection of colour and the senses). The material you develop must be directly linked to the learning area of Mathematics. You need to make explicit reference to the Australian curriculum (and/or the curriculum document of your state or territory) or to the EYLF to justify the relevance of your teaching and learning resource.

3. The ideas underpinning your resource, the decisions you make about its design, including assessment and implementation; the particular understanding of child development and how children learn mathematics need to be justified via appropriate literature.

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Mathematics: Create a structured learning resource for mathematics and
Reference No:- TGS02203536

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