Contractual relationships in design - build form of contract

Answer the following questions.

Question 1)

You are provided with a project brief which read as follows:

A luxurious riverfront development comprising of blocks of 12 apartments and 8 shops. Please advise your Client on the following:

(a) The composition of a project team for the scheme.

(b) The different clearances to be sought from the relevant authorities.

(c) Specify at what stage of the project would the clearances mentioned at (b) above be required and a convincing argument as to why these clearances are important for the project.

(d) Describe the different phases and tasks that would be involved throughout the life cycle of the project.

Question 2) You are employed by a multi-disciplinary professional practice firm working for the developer. You are provided with a project brief which read as follows: ‘A 12 storey office complex in Port-Louis` The developer is considering employing an architect as the Team leader for the scheme. In a report to your client advise on:

(a) The services and role offered by the architect at each stage of the project.

(b) The duties of the other consultants namely the Civil engineer, the Quantity Surveyor and the M&E.

Question 3) Design and Build form of contract is a procurement method which has been in use for a long time.

(a) Show on a figure the contractual relationships in design and build form of contract.

(c) Briefly describe the role of the Team Leader as shown in (a) above.

(d) Under which situations would you advise your client to adopt Design and Build form of Contract?

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Other Subject: Contractual relationships in design - build form of contract
Reference No:- TGS05791

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