Concepts of data classification


Select one key concept that we've learned in the course (From Chapter & Not entire curriculum) to date and answer the following, few to highlight are:

Data and Classification - data algorithms

Classification and Alternative Techniques - attribute, discrete and continuous data, concepts of data classification, decision tree and decision tree modifier, hyper-parameter, pitfalls of model selection and evaluation, various types of classifiers

Association Analysis - association rule in data mining

Questions to elaborate are as below:

- Define the concept.

- Note its importance to data science.

- Discuss corresponding concepts that are of importance to the selected concept.

- Note a project where this concept would be used.

Looking for 4+ pages (Excluding title, intro or reference pages) of contents in response and minimum 3 APA references.

Book: Introduction to Data Mining, in case needed

Authors: Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne, Vipin Kumar


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Data Structure & Algorithms: Concepts of data classification
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