Concept of performance management

Question1. Clearly explain the concept of performance management.
Question2. Analyse the various behavioural and business factors that have caused the emergence of the concept of performance management rather than performance appraisal in modern organisations.

Question3. Research shows that one of the dangers of an undue concentration on extrinsic rewards is that intrinsic reward and motivation may come to be diminished 
i) Illustrate and clearly explain what you understand by the term “intrinsic reward”.

ii) Explain and illustrate 5 non financial rewards that organisations can offer to their employees.

iii) How far do you agree with the quote given above?

Question4. Explain the term job satisfaction and its dimensions.

Question5. What are the outcomes of job satisfaction at the workplace?

Question6. Rewards should motivate and direct employees. What are therefore the factors that managers and organisations should take into consideration as far as rewards are concerned?

Question7. There are various methods of managing performance. Clearly explain the steps involved in any one performance management method you know about.

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Other Management: Concept of performance management
Reference No:- TGS06024

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