Problem: Complete the diagram to assess the client's condition. The client is at 28 weeks of gestation, gravida 4, para 3. Admitted to the antepartum unit with a history of vaginal bleeding for 2 hours. The client states, "I started bleeding a couple of hours ago, but now I am saturating pads with bright red blood. I am so scared something is going to happen to my baby." Abdomen is soft and nontender to palpation. The client reports no abdominal pain. Perineal pad is saturated with bright red vaginal bleeding and blood is trickling down the client's legs. Fundal height is at 27 cm. Electronic fetal monitor placed on the client shows FHR (170)/(m)in with minimal variability and no decelerations. No uterine contractions or uterine irritability noted. Blood drawn for type and cross-match.