Compare a new drug to a standard drug

Question: The following table was presented in an article summarizing a study to compare a new drug to a standard drug and to a placebo Which, if any baseline characteristics are significantly different (at the 0.05 level of significance) between treatment groups

A) Disease stage

B) Annual income

C) Percentage with insurance

D) Age

E) A& C

F) B& D

Characteristic                New drug       Standard drug           Placebo                P

Age, Years                        45.2(4.8)        44.9(5.1)               42.8 (4.3)          0.5746

% Female                          51%                  55%                      57%               0.1635

Annual income, $0005     59.5(14.3)      63.8(16.9)           58.2(13.6)            0.4635

% with insurance                87%               65%                       82%                0.0352

Disease Stage

Stage 1                                 35%                    18%                        33%

Stage 11                               42%                    37%                         47%

Stage 111                             23%                    51%                          20%

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Basic Statistics: Compare a new drug to a standard drug
Reference No:- TGS0683508

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