common steps of designing the animation

Common Steps of Designing the Animation Sequence

Common Steps of designing the animation sequence are as given:

1) Layout of Storyboard: Storyboard layout is the action outline utilized to illustrate the motion sequence as a set of basic events which are to acquire place. This is the kind of animation to be produced that selects the storyboard layout. So, the storyboard comprises a set of rough sketches or a list of basic concepts for the motion.

2) Definition of Object:  The object definition is specified for all participant objects in action. The objects can be explained in terms of fundamental shapes, related movements or movement with shapes.

 3) Specification of Key Frame: this is the detailed drawing of the scene at an exact time in the animation sequence. Inside each key frame, all objects are positioned as per to time for that frame. Several key frames are selected at the extreme positions in the action; others are spaced hence the time interval among key frames is not as great. More key frames are given for intricate motion than for easy, slowly varying motions.

4) In-between frames Generation: In-among frames are the middle frames among the key frames. The number of among frames is based on the media to be utilized to display the animation. In common, film needs twenty-four frames per second, and graphic terminals are refreshed on the rate of 30 to 60 frames per second. Classically the time interval for the motion is set up hence there are 3 to 5 among for each pair of key frames. Based upon the speed identified for the motion, several key frames can be duplicated.

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