Charlie moody called the meeting to order

Charlie Moody called the meeting to order. The conference room was full of developers, systems analysts, IT managers, business users, and busi- ness managers. "All right everyone, let's get started. Welcome to the kick-off meeting of the Sequential Label and Supply Information Security Task Force. That's the name of our new project team, and we're here today to talk about our objectives and to review the initial work plan." "Why are all of the users here?" asked the manager of sales. "Isn't secur- ity a problem for the IT Department?" Charlie explained, "Well, that used to be the case, but we've come to real- ize that information security is about managing the risk of using auto- mated systems, which involves almost everyone in the company. In order to make our systems more secure, we will need the participation of people from all departments." Charlie continued, "1 hope everyone has read the packets we sent out last week with the legal requirements we face in our industry and the background articles on threats and attacks. Today we'll begin the process of identifying and classifying all of the information technology risks that face our organization. This includes everything from fires and floods that could disrupt our business to criminal hackers who might try to steal or destroy our data. Once we identify and classify the risks facing our assets, we can discuss how to reduce or eliminate these risks by establishing con- trols. Which controls we actually apply will depend on the costs and ben- efits of each control." "Wow, Charlie!" said Amy Windahl from the back of the room. "I'm sure we need to do it-I was hit by the last attack, just as everyone here was- but we have hundreds of systems." "It's more like thousands," said Charlie. He went on, "That's why we have so many people on this team and why the team includes members of every department." Charlie continued, "Okay, everyone, please open your packets and take out the project plan with the work list showing teams, tasks, and schedules. Any questions before we start reviewing the work plan?" As Charlie wrapped up the meeting, he ticked off a few key reminders for everyone involved in the asset identification project. "Okay, everyone, before we finish, please remember that you should try to make your asset lists complete, but be sure to focus your attention on the more valuable assets first. Also, remember that we evaluate our assets based on business impact to profitability first, and then economic cost of replacement. Make sure you check with me about any questions that come up. We will schedule our next meeting in two weeks, so please have your draft inventories ready." 1. Did Charlie effectively organize the work before the meeting? Why or why not? Make a list of the important issues you think should be covered by the work plan. For each issue, provide a short explanation. 2. Will the company get useful information from the team it has assem- bled? Why or why not? 3. Why might some attendees resist the goals of the meeting? Does it seem that each person invited was briefed on the importance of the event and the issues behind it?

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Basic Computer Science: Charlie moody called the meeting to order
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