Characteristics of plant diversity

Question 1: Cite five illustrations of fungi which are beneficial to human beings.

Question 2: Why are lichens explained as the pioneers of the vegetation?

Question 3: Do you consider lichens as illustrations of mutualism or controlled parasitism? Describe.

Question 4: Enumerate all the challenges which the aquatic plants had to meet up for migrating to new terrestrial environments throughout the course of their evolution.

Question 5: Describe the most important lines of evolution of Sporophytes in bryophytes. Cite illustrations and make their illustrations to support your discussion.

Question 6: Bryophytes are precious to the gardeners and the horticulturists. Describe giving appropriate illustrations.

Question 7: In brief explain with the help of labeled diagrams the xeromorphic and hydromorphic characters of the Equisetum species.

Question 8: Compare the elaters of Equisetum with that of Marchantia and Anthoceros.

Question 9: What features of the process of reproduction and the structure of reproductive organs in Selaginella recommend that it approaches the seed habit? Describe.

Question 10: Polarity can be seen in which phases of the life cycle of the pteridophytes? Explain the manifestations of polarity in the Equisetum.

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Other Subject: Characteristics of plant diversity
Reference No:- TGS02642

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