Case-longest drive gets to drive-nike

Please view the Youtube video: Longest Drive Gets to Drive regarding Nikegolf. On the basis of the video, respond to the following questions:

This to me is a very powerful commercial. I think I am one of the few women (maybe even people) that actually feels sorry for Tiger. Watching him at the Bridgestone Invitational in my hometown - Akron - it is interesting to see how his personal decisions have really impacted his life tremendously. He can't even play golf well right now because of the stress he is under. This appeals to my emotions & compassion and that's what draws me to it.

Do you all feel that Tiger doing poorly in golf and how much he has stayed somber enhances the compassion people feel toward him?

Do you think this helps his brand image (people can definitely carry a brand image)? How do you feel about Nike supporting him as a sponsor?

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Marketing Management: Case-longest drive gets to drive-nike
Reference No:- TGS02024728

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