Capital punishment for murderers and rapists is quite

What is the fallacy of presumtion for each one? ( only name the fallacy)

1- Capital punishment for murderers and rapists is quite justified; there are a number of good reasons for putting to death people who commit such crimes.

2- Asked to explain why a payroll cheque bounced, the owner of a professional basketball team replied, “Obviously, we didn’t have enough money in the bank.”

3- Parent to teenager: “If I let you have the car to go to the dance on Saturday, then pretty soon, you’ll be wanting it to go to school, and I won’t have any way of getting to work. No. You’re not getting the car.”

4- If you took a lecture course with Professor Smith, you would know that lectures are a lousy way of learning.

5- The late eighteenth-century/early nineteenth-century social reformer Thomas Malthus, noting that sober and industrious farmers owned at least one cow while those who had none were usually lazy and drunken, proposed that the government give a cow to farmers who had none in order to make them sober and industrious.

6- Solar energy can't meet all of our energy needs now, nor will it ever be able to. We must abandon the notion that it will and continue investing in nuclear energy.

7- During a full moon, there are always more admissions to emergency rooms. This shows that the moon has an effect on people's behaviour.

8- Daniele: “What do you think of nuclear power plants, Theresa? Do you think we ought to have more of them?”

Theresa: “Well ...”

Daniele: “Well, we should develop nuclear power, and I’ll tell you why. I’m sick and tired of these antinuclear environmentalists always complaining about something or other. What a bunch of troublemakers. They find something wrong with everything.”

9- Letter to the editor: The recent Supreme Court decision outlawing a moment of silence for prayer in public schools is scandalous. Evidently, the American Civil Liberties Union and the other radical groups will not be satisfied until every last man, women, and child in the country is an atheist. I’m fed up.

10- The evolutionists claim that man evolved from apes. But this couldn’t be true. Apes and men don’t look at all alike.

11- The present method of evaluating public school teachers, which, at best, is an occasional perfunctory check by an administrator, is quite inadequate. If a teacher turns out to be a poor one, there is presently no effective way of getting rid of him or her. Therefore, teachers should be hired for a “term of service,” after which they would reenter the job market, seeking jobs through the usual screening process.

12- You want my opinion of the new proposal for increased bus service? It’s just another proposal by a mayor with few ideas to try to establish some pretext for reelection. Like all politicians, he will promise us anything to get reelected,, and then he won’t deliver.

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