By the end of the second session each student should select

Research Project Topic

By the end of the second session each student should select a research topic, formulate his/her research question and develop a preliminary outline of the research paper.  Review his/her topic and outline with the instructor for relevance and feasibility within the limited time frame of the term and for access to supporting data and other sources of information. The research project can focus on problems that cut across Project Quality Management areas, including, but not limited to topics such as: virtual project quality management, agile project quality management, project quality management methodologies, distributed project quality management, project quality leadership, project quality metrics, project quality management standards, best practices in project quality management, and pedagogical issues.  These are just broad research areas for guidance. Students should select their own topics.

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Business Management: By the end of the second session each student should select
Reference No:- TGS02331370

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